出口智広(DEGUCHI Tomohiro)(主任研究員)
1973年 札幌市生まれ
1997年 北海道大学水産学部水産増殖学科卒業
1999年 北海道大学大学院水産学研究科修士課程修了
2004年 北海道大学大学院農学研究科博士課程修了
1)出口智広. コアホウドリ, レッドデータブック2014 2 鳥類 (環境省編), ぎょうせい, pp74-75, 2014
2)出口智広. アホウドリ, レッドデータブック2014 2 鳥類 (環境省編), ぎょうせい, pp136-137, 2014年
3)出口智広. 保全 conservation, 鳥の絶滅危惧種図鑑 (林良博・山崎剛史監修, Martin Walter著のEndangered Birdsの訳書), 緑書房, pp228-243, 2013
4)出口智広. 絶滅からの復活 アホウドリ, 増補改訂 鳥の生態図鑑(山岸哲監修), 学習研究社, pp8-9, 2011
5)出口智広. アホウドリの再導入・移住計画, 生態学から見た野生生物の保護と法律(日本自然保護協会編), 講談社サイエンティフィック, pp96-97, 2010
6)出口智広. 第6章 生理学, 第7章 感覚・脳・知能, 鳥類学(山階鳥類研究所編, Frank B. Gill著のOrnithology 3rd editionの訳書), 新樹社, pp141-179, pp183-214, 2009
7)出口智広. 絶海の孤島への再導入-アホウドリ-, 日本の希少鳥類を守る(山岸哲編), 京都大学学術出版会, pp23-47, 2009
8)出口智広. アホウドリの小笠原諸島への移住作戦, われら地球家族 鳥と人間(山階鳥類研究所編), 日本放送出版協会, pp107-114, 2006
1)Kosuke Tanaka, Jan A. von Franeker, Tomohiro Deguchi, Hideshige Takada. Piece-by-piece analysis of additives and manufacturing byproducts in plastics ingested by seabirds: implication for risk of exposure to seabirds. Marin Pollution Bulletin, vol.145: 36-41. 2019.
2)Kentaro Kazama, Tomoko Harada, Tomohiro Deguchi, Hajime Suzuki, Yutaka Watanuki. Foraging behavior of black-footed albatross Phoebastria nigripes rearing chicks on the Ogasawara Islands. Ornithological Science, vol.18: 27-37. 2019.
3)Rei Yamashita, Hideshige Takada, Arisa Nakazawa, Akinori Takahashi, Motohiro Ito, Takashi Yamamoto, Yuuki Y. Watanabe, Nobuo Kokubun, Katsufumi Sato, Sara Wanless, Francis Daunt, David Hyrenbach, Michelle Hester, Tomohiro Deguchi, Bungo Nishizawa, Akiko Shoji, and Yutaka Watanuki. Global monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) using seabird preen gland oil. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol.75: 545-556. 2018.
4)Rachael A. Orben, Amelia J. O’Connor, Robert M. Suryan, Kiyoaki Ozaki, Fumio Sato, and Tomohiro Deguchi.Ontogenetic changes in at-sea distributions of immature short-tailed albatrosses, Phoebastria albatrus. Endangered Species Research. vol.35: 23-37. 2018.
5)Mariko Senda, Tomohiro Deguchi, Shigemoto Komeda, Yoshimitsu Shigeta, Fumio Sato, Keiko Yoshiyasu, Noboru Nakamura, Naoki Tomita, Kiyoaki Ozaki. Use of tape lures for an increase in capture number of autumn migrant bunting species at a stopover site. Ornithological Science, vol.17: 103-108. 2018.
6)Tomohiro Deguchi, Fumio Sato, Masaki Eda, Hiroe Izumi, Hajime Suzuki, Robert M Suryan, Ellen W Lance, Hiroshi Hasegawa and Kiyoaki Ozaki. Translocation and hand-rearing of chicks result in short-tailed albatrosses returning to breed in Ogasawara Islands 80 years after extirpation. Animal Conservation, vol.20: 341-349. 2017.
7)Daisuke Ochi, Kei Matsumoto, Nariko Oka, Tomohiro Deguchi, Katsufumi Sato, Takashi Sato, Fumihito Muto, Yutaka Watanuki. Dual foraging strategy and chick growth of Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas at the two colonies of different oceanographic environment. Ornithological Science, vol.15: 213-225. 2016.
8)Tomohiro Deguchi, Hiroko Nomura, Ryoko Otsuka, Masaru Wada, Yutaka Watanuki. The triggers of fledging in Rhinoceros Auklets Cerorhinca monocerata chicks when they experienced mass recession, examined by a supplementary feeding experiment. Ornithological Science, vol.15: 15-21. 2016.
9)出口智広, 吉安京子, 尾崎清明, 佐藤文男, 茂田良光, 米田重玄, 仲村昇, 富田直樹, 千田万里子, 広居忠量. 日本に飛来する夏鳥の渡りと繁殖時期の長期変化. 日本鳥学会誌, vol.64: 39-51. 2015.
10)Naoko Emura, Wataru Furuya, Haruko Ando, Tomohiro Deguchi. Monitoring of avifauna to estimate the effect of nature restoration in Mukojima, Bonin Islands. 山階鳥類学雑誌, vol.46: 89-100. 2015.
11)Tomohiro Deguchi, Robert M. Suryan, Kiyoaki Ozaki. Muscle damage and behavioral consequences from prolonged handling of albatross chicks from transmitter attachment. Journal of Wildlife Management, vol.78: 1302-1309. 2014.
12)Haruko Ando, Lindsay Young, Maura Naughton, Hajime Suzuki, Tomohiro Deguchi, Yuji Isagi. Population genetic structure among highly remote breeding colonies of the Black-footed albatross, Phoebastria nigripes, in North Pacific. Pacific Science, vol.68: 309-319. 2014.
13)Tomohiro Deguchi, Robert M. Suryan, Kiyoaki Ozaki, Judy F. Jacobs, Fumio Sato, Noboru Nakamura, Gregory R. Balogh. Early Successes of Translocation and Hand-Rearing of Endangered Albatrosses for Species Conservation and Island Restoration. Oryx, vol.48: 195-203. 2014.
14)Guy, T.J., Jennings S.L., Suryan R.M., Melvin E.F., Bellman, M.A., Anderson D.J., Ballance L.T., Blackie B.A., Croll D.A., Deguchi T., Geernaert T.O., Henry R.W., Hester, M., Hyrenbach K.D., Jahncke J., Ozaki K., Roletto J., Sato F., Shaffer S.A., Sydeman W.J., and Zamon J.E. Spatial overlap of North Pacific albatrosses with the U.S. west coast groundfish fishery. Fisheries Research, vol.147: 222-234. 2013.
15)Kenichi Takahashi, Mamoru Takahashi, Hitoko Misumi, Tomohiro Deguchi, Yutaka Watanuki. Notes on trombiculid mites from Teuri Island in northwestern Hokkaido, Japan. Medical Entomological and Zoology, vol.63: 231-234. 2012.
16)出口智広・吉安京子・尾崎清明. 標識調査情報に基づいた2000年代と1960年代のツバメの渡り時期と繁殖状況の比較. 日本鳥学会誌, vol.61: 273-282. 2012.
17)Naoko Emura, Kazuto Kawakami, Tomohiro Deguchi, Koichi Sone. Potential role of frugivorous birds in the recovery process of forest vegetation after feral goat eradication in Mukojima Island, the Bonin Islands. Journal of Forest Research, vol.17: 352-359. 2012
18)Tomohiro Deguchi, Judy Jacobs, Tomoko Harada, Lyndon Perriman, Yuki Watanabe, Fumio Sato, Noboru Nakamura, Kiyoaki Ozaki, Gregory Balogh. Translocation and hand-rearing techniques for the restoration of endangered albatross colony. Bird Conservation International, vol.22: 66-81. 2012.
19)Tomohiro Deguchi, Akihiko Wada, Yutaka Watanuki and Yuichi Osa. Seasonal changes of the at-sea distribution and food-provisioning in Rhinoceros auklets. Ecological Research, vol.25: 123-137. 2010.
20)Yutaka Watanuki, Motohiro Ito, Tomohiro Deguchi, Shoshiro Minobe. Climate-forced seasonal mismatch between the hatching of Rhinoceros Auklets and the availability of anchovy. Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol.393: 259-271. 2009.
21)栄村奈緒子・出口智広. ノヤギ駆除後における小笠原諸島聟島の鳥類相. 日本鳥学会誌, vol.58: 77-85. 2009.
22) 井上裕紀子・出口智広・越智大介・綿貫 豊・岡 奈理子. オオミズナギドリ雛の短期的な栄養状態は親の給餌調節に影響しない. 日本鳥学会誌, vol.58: 65-72. 2009.
23)原田知子・出口智広・Brenda Zaun・Rachel S. Sprague・Judy Jacobs. コアホウドリの飼育実験. 山階鳥類学雑誌, vol.39: 87-100. 2008.
24)Kei Matumoto, Tomohiro Deguchi, Akihiko Wada, Akiko Kato, Sei-ichi Saitoh, Yutaka Watanuki. Estimating foraging area of Rhinoceros Auklets by simultaneous sampling of water temperature profiles using bird-borne data-loggers. Ornithological Science, vol.7: 37-46. 2008.
25)Akinori Takahashi, Daisuke Ochi, Yutaka Watanuki, Tomohiro Deguchi, Nariko Oka, Vsevolod Afanasyev, James W. Fox, Philip N.Trathan. 2008. Post-breeding movement and activities of two Streaked Shearwaters in the north-western Pacific. Ornithological Science, vol.7: 29-35. 2008.
26)Tomohiro Deguchi and Yutaka Watanuki. Prefledging mass recession and timing of fledging in Rhinoceros auklets. Ibis, vol.147: 217-220. 2005.
27)Tomohiro Deguchi, Yoko Goto and Yasunori Sakurai. Importance of walleye Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) to wintering ribbon seals (Phoca fasciata) in Nemuro Strait, Hokkaido Japan. Mammal Study, vol.29: 55-63. 2004.
28)Tomohiro Deguchi, Yutaka Watanuki, Yasuaki Niizuma and Akifumi Nakata. Interannual variations of the occurrence of epipelagic fish in the diets of the seabirds breeding on Teuri Island, northern Hokkaido, Japan. Progress in Oceanography, vol.61: 267-275. 2004.
29)Tomohiro Deguchi, Akinori Takahashi and Yutaka Watanuki. Proximate factors determining fledging age and mass in Rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata): a study of intra- and interyear variation. Auk, vol.121: 452-462. 2004.
30)出口智広・加々美竜彦. 給餌量が異なるウトウのヒナにおける体重と1日の体重増加量の関係. 日本鳥学会誌, vol.52: 35-38. 2003.
・U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Recovery Champion Award (団体受賞), 2010年