Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork

Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo


Scientific Journal “Reintroduction”

“Reintroduction” is a scientific journal published in 2011 to edit dissertations, review articles, short communications, reports, materials, etc., related to the reintroduction of animals and co-existence of human with nature. Published dissertations are available on PDF here.
The editorial board of “Reintroduction” welcomes dissertation submissions. For details, see the submission guidelines.

Vol. 4(March 31, 2016)

4:1-2 Atsushi Yamamuro
Special feature “Science of watershed ecosystem in Tajima -Kishidagawa River-”
(in Japanese)
4:3-6 Kazuaki Naito
Historical background of the establishment of semi-natural grasslands in Chugoku Mountains
(in Japanese)
4:7-9 Takayuki Funo
Effect of habitat characteristics on foraging and breeding ecology of Golden eagle
(in Japanese)
4:11-14 Kazuyuki Obata
Activities and problems of Ueyama Highland Eco-museum
(in Japanese)
4:15-19 Isamu Tanimoto
Geographical features of the Kishida River watershed and the lives of the people
(in Japanese)
4:21-27 Yasuo Ezaki
The watershed ecosystem as an ecological unit
(in Japanese)
4:29-36 Yoshimasa Hiyori, Yuhei Fujinaga, Mizuki Mizutani, Kota Tawa and Shiro Sagawa
The effect of permanent water-filled ditches installed in paddy fields for a foraging habitat of oriental white storks; A case of the ecosystem preservation of the paddy field in Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture
(in Japanese with English Abstract)
4:37-53 Shiro Sagawa, Kota Tawa and Yuichi Kayaba
Evaluation of river rehabilitation techniques on the impact of native and exotic fish species in the urbanized Yada River, Japan
4:55-67 Masahiro Takahashi and Yuko Honda
Local people’s consciousness just before releasing of Oriental White Storks at Noda city, Chiba, Japan
(in Japanese with English Abstract)
4:69-73 Yoshito Ohsako
A case of long-distance movement by a 10-bird group of the Oriental White Stork
(in Japanese with English Abstract)
4:75-86 Kota Tawa, Shiro Sagawa and Kazuaki Naito
Feeding habits of released free-living Oriental White Storks Ciconia boyciana based on monitoring data of storks for 9 years
(in Japanese with English Abstract)
4:87-93 Kota Tawa, Shiro Sagawa, Yuki Maruyama, Yoshimasa Hiyori and Mizuki Mizutan
Overwintering status of aquatic animals in the fallow field biotope in Toyooka City
(in Japanese with English Abstract)
4:95-102 Yasuo Ezaki, Yoko Mitsuhashi and Yoshito Ohsako Survival, mortality and skewed sex ratio of the Japanese Oriental White Stork reintroduced population at the end of 2014
4:103-110 Hiromu Nakatsu, Mitsuyo Toyoda, and Hisashi Nagata
Making use of reintroduction of Crested Ibises as an opportunity to enhance the local society and to conserve the environment
(in Japanese with English Abstract)
4:111-128 Ichizou Numata, Minoru Sato, Takuyoshi Yoshizawa,
Yoko Mitsuhashi, Mikio Sugihara, Koretoki Suzuki, Hajime Inubuse, Yuka Kuwai and Yasuo Ezaki
A study on measures against HPAI in Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork
(in Japanese)
4:129-131 Guide for authors (in Japanese)